Alternative Therapies.

Welcome to Lazzaro’s website dedicated to Alternative Therapies, Natural Treatments and Hypnotherapy Counselling Service. Lazzaro Pisu, originally from Italy and now residing in Vancouver, BC, is a well-established health care practitioner specializing in alternative therapies such as Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Time Line Therapy, CBT, HBMD, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Walk Talk Therapy, Music Therapy, Chromotherapy, Quantum, and Neuroscience. As a result of his sessions’ effectiveness, Lazzaro has garnered a reputation that extends beyond Canada and has attracted clients from all over the world. His programs are empowering, joyous and life changing, motivating people to discover their inner powerful selves, creating lasting positive transformations in their life.The body and mind, are interconnected and to achieve optimal health and wellness requires a holistic approach. Lazzaro job is to change mind patterns – from unwanted, negative, unhelpful patterns into ones that support and uphold a person physically and mentally.


Lazzaro: An Artistic, Holistic, and Spiritual Journey

Live a Better Life

Effective Treatments for the Mind and Body

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Therapies For The Mind

If you’re ready to start taking care of your mental health, consider discovering the power of alternative therapies and hypnotherapy. As someone who specializes in these techniques, I’m dedicated to helping you achieve the balance and well-being you deserve wit alternative therapies and natural treatmets.
Whether you prefer in-person sessions in a safe and comfortable environment or online sessions from the comfort of your own home, I’m here to support you.

Treatments for the Body

Alternative Treatments for your physical health with hypnotherapy counselling is a effective method for managing your physical health conditions. Hypnotherapy counselling services is used to help manage a variety of physical health conditions. For example you can manage chronic pain, reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), improve sleep quality. Hypnotherapy is also used to manage anxiety and depression, which are often associated with physical health conditions.

Marriage & Relationships

Are you having problems with your marriage or relationship? If so, I offer expert guidance and support to individuals and couples seeking to enhance their relationships. Whether you’re experiencing communication challenges, issues with trust and intimacy, or other obstacles, I’m here to assist you in navigating these difficulties and building a stronger, more satisfying relationship. Let me help you overcome your hurdles and achieve a more fulfilling partnership.

HYPNOTHERAPY: It’s what science calls neuroplasticity which is the ability of the brain to form new connections and pathways and change how its circuits are wired. The process involves the mind’s natural abilities to help with various concerns having rapid psychological results in a few sessions.

Treatments for Adults

Everyone has something they would like to improve about themselves or something stopping or blocking them from achieving their ideal goal. A face-to-face or online hypnotherapy session could help improve your life. At his Hypnotherapy Clinic in Vancouver, Lazzaro specializes in overcoming addictions, improving sleep, conquering anxiety and phobias, increasing confidence and motivation, and focusing on creating optimal health and holistic well-being.

Treatments for Adults

Being a teenager is a time of transition from child to adult and, for some, a challenge. Significant hormonal influences are at play, which can negatively affect relationships and friendships. Teenagers can suffer from various issues, such as social anxiety. They may also have formed an idealistic view of the world around them and rail against perceived injustices, which can cause significant stress and helplessness—sessions for Studying and Exams, Anger, Bullying, Self Confidence, and other issues.

Treatments for Adults

Has your child been from therapist to therapist with no success in feeling any better? Does your child struggle with concentration or feel unmotivated? Is your child struggling with emotions or moods and wants to try hypnotherapy to make lasting changes? Does your child have a fear or phobia that is controlling their life? Over the years, I’ve successfully used a type of hypnotherapy called ‘Hypno-Analysis’ to help many children with emotional and physical issues. Contact me if you need help.

Counselling Services


To Book Your Session Call:
604 202 7938

Who Are The Clients That Benefit From My Sessions?

As a Hypnotherapist Counselling and Psychotherapist, I work with a wide range of clients, including Celebrities, Accountants, Scientists and Secretaries, Students, Housewives, Politicians, Writers, Lawyers, Ballet Dancers, Actors, Musicians, Singers, Film Producers, Music Producers, Entertainment Agents, Office Employers, Security Guards, Military Officers, Law Enforcement Officers, Professional Athletes, Top Models, Entrepreneurs, and many other working classes. Additionally, I use various alternative therapy techniques to personalize my approach and cater to each individual’s unique needs and goals. Call DHP. Lazzaro Pisu at: 604 202 7938



If you’re dealing with personal issues that are impacting both your mind and body, my service provides the support you need. I specialize in addressing a wide range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, addictions, trauma, moodiness, sadness, abuse, sexual problems, fears, phobias, and panic attacks, irrational thoughts, or any other issue that is effecting your mind, emotionally and physically, it may be helpful to seek my support.

It’s important to remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, and resources are always available to those in need. Furthermore, if your particular concern is not listed, please do not hesitate to reach out –

Playfair Display

Although depression is generally better described by its symptoms than its causes, each individual has their own story. Furthermore, you are not alone, as I have helped many clients who have felt desperate and consumed by their depression. As a result, I am committed to helping people to get out from under that dark shadow and view life with optimism, joy, and positivity.

Help for Anxiety

Are you feeling overwhelmed by anxious thoughts and feelings? You’re not alone. However, I can help people to correct the misguided, unconscious beliefs that have been sabotaging their potential. By learning how to control anxiety, you can become a happier, calmer, more confident person

Sessions for Addiction

Whether your addiction is affecting your work, social, or personal life, I can help. If you’re feeling desperate or hopeless, know that there is a way out. I work with everyday people who are battling addictions to smoking, drugs, gambling, food, porn, sex, and many other addictions. With my support, many of my clients have transitioned to a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Coping with Trauma

If you feel like you need to talk with someone neutral who is outside your circle of family and friends and will listen to your concerns in a non-judgmental way, then I can help you.

Over the past years, Lazzaro Pisu has provided assistance to thousands of private patients from diverse workplaces and sectors, including Managers, Employers, Students, Celebrities, and Professional Athletes, among others. Moreover, he has extensive experience working with clients from different cultural, ethnic, class, race, religion, abilities, and sexual orientation backgrounds. Additionally, Lazzaro guides all his clients with utmost care, compassion, and without any judgment.

Lazzaro philosophy operates from a comprehensive perspective of individuals, recognizing their physical, mental, and emotional aspects. His approach assists clients in realizing their utmost potential by unifying their mind and body into heart coherence and embracing them. Furthermore, his therapy practices, which range from evidence-based to trauma-informed mindfulness techniques, facilitate behavioral transformations in individuals undergoing growth and self-discovery. The healing process is innate and can be fostered through our sessions. Lazzaro’s specialty is in enhancing the connection between the mind and body using a blend of modern science and ancient wisdom. He combines all his experiences to design personalized treatment plans that promote internal growth and self-discovery, encouraging you to blossom from the inside out. Ultimately, the goal is to help you connect more deeply with your inner wisdom throughout your healing journey. Lazzaro’s approach is designed to guide you through this process, step-by-step.


Change Your Mind & You Can Change Your Life

Sessions are Confidential, Safe, Secure and Effective.

Celebrities and Hypnotherapy

Albert Einstein, Physicist. Was known to have his hypnosis sessions every afternoon. His theory of relativity came to him during one of these sessions. He also used trance states to formulate and develop his ideas.
Carl Jung & Sigmund Freud. Both developed modern psychiatry as a result of learning about and practicing hypnosis.
Mozart. Used hypnosis to compose the famous opera ÈCosi fan TutteÈ was apparently created while he was hypnotized.
Henry Ford– Car manufacturer and billionaire was a devoted client of hypnoytherapy, including Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Mark Knopfler, Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, Billy Joel, Ellen DeGeneres, Ashton Kutcher and Charlize Theron, Britney Spears, Samuel Jackson, beat their smoking habit through hypnotherapy.
Sylvester Stallone. Used hypnotherapy early in his career to overcome rejections from producers for his movie manuscript for Rocky. That movie went on to be a huge box office hit grossing over $225,000,000
Hypnotherapy has contributed to the success of many Actors.
Here are some examples: Sean Connery – John Travolta – Tony Curtis – Sean Penn- Samual L. Jackson – Robert De Niro.
Ben Affleck smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years, until impending fatherhood prompted him to quit.
Ben went to a hypnotherapist recommended by his friend, Matt Damon
​Ben Affleck tells Oprah he used Hypnosis to stop smoking: “I finally decided to quit smoking when I found out I was going to have a child. That was the thing that sort of put it over the top for me. I decided to go to a hypnotist. You sit in a chair and the hypnotist sips water and just talks to you for an hour, and explains how nicotine is poison.” “All of a sudden, I thought, ‘This is asinine that I’ve been doing this to myself for all these years.’ My last cigarette was on November 10th, 2005, and I feel a huge difference in my health now that I don’t smoke. I feel like I’m in better shape than I was five years ago.
Drew Barrymore managed to kick a two to three pack a day habit that she’d had since her teens with the help of hypnosis, and so did Kevin StoneBill JoelBrittany Spears and many others.
Princess Kate Middleton’s has used hypnosis to assist her in overcoming symptoms of morning sickness.
Kate Middleton’s acute morning sickness was brought to the public eye when she was checked into a hospital in December, and a report has now surfaced that she’s turning to hypnotherapy as a way to overcome her negative associations with food and morning sickness.
Kate Middleton, on her last trimester, reportedly considered using hypnosis in preparation for her royal childbirth. Just like most first-time mums, the Duchess of Cambridge hopes for a natural delivery and Hypno-birthing is one of the methods she believes could help ease her labour pain.
Many other celebrity mums have used hypno-birthing, like Hollywood stars Jessica Alba and Tiffani Thiessen.
Celebrities who have used hypnosis as part of their weight-loss:
Lily Allen (singer) -who has dropped her size from 12 to 8 with the help of hypnotherapy .
• Orlando Bloom – was hooked on chocolate as a child, his mother called in a hypnotist to help him shape up.
• Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York (former member of the British Royal family) found hypnosis assisted her in weight loss.
• Sophie Dahl (model)
• Geri Halliwell (singer)

Kevin Costner – became seasick while making “Waterworld”. His regular hypnotherapist came to the filming location and helped Costner overcome the problem.
Princess Diana– Used hypnosis to assist her with public speaking and confidence.
Jackie Kennedy Onassis – used hypnotherapy to deal with the tragic events in her life. E.g. the tragedy that she experienced during the assassination of her late husband John during his US presidency.
Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York (former member of the British Royal family)- quit biting her nails, and lost weight with hypnosis.
Aaron Eckhart, Hollywood actor has credited hypnosis with changing his life forever after he used the practice to give up smoking and alcohol.
Mel Gibson underwent hypnosis to help him manage his life circumstances.

Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective natural treatment that helps the Mind and the Physical Body to achieve hi results.

Who are Lazzaro’s Clients?

Lazzaro’s clientele spans across a diverse range of professions, including celebrities, accountants, scientists, secretaries, students, housewives, politicians, writers, lawyers, ballet dancers, actors, musicians, singers, film producers, music producers, entertainment agents, office employers, security guards, military officers, law enforcement officers, professional athletes, top models, entrepreneurs, and other working-class individuals. In addition, Lazzaro has extensive experience serving clients from various cultures, ethnicities, classes, races, religions, abilities, and sexual orientations. Throughout the years, Lazzaro Pisu has assisted thousands of private patients from different workplaces and industries. Lazzaro provides a safe, compassionate, and non-judgmental guidance to all his clients.

– In the year 2019, DHP.Lazzaro Pisu has received an honorable Global Award for his service in Natural Therapies. The conference was attended in Chicago(USA) by an audience of 500+ CEOs, Government Ministers, and ambassadors from 28 countries.
* Lazzaro has received the International Health Care Practitioners (UK) award. 2022.
Awards Received for 2022
Fitness and Health Canada have selected Lazzaro as one of Canada’s Most Popular Health and Fitness Services.
Awards Received for 2020: Most Popular Health And Fitness Service in Canada. And the Most Popular Health And Fitness Service in British Columbia 2020.

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Let Me Bring You a Smile
and a Happy Face!

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